MMMM, Jamaica. Nothing like the fresh smell of ganja in the morning. When I was originally presented with the idea of Jamaica being our destination for "Girl's Trip 2015," I wasn't interested in the slightest. For whatever reason, I'm not sure. In hindsight, I am so glad that I got to visit this cute, quaint little island.
Negril, Jamaica is a smaller town that falls in 2 of Jamaica's 13 parishes. Their parishes are to the likeness of our states. Ironically after landing in Montego Bay we were back in Hanover, the northern parish that Negril lies in. We then continued our way through Hanover to finally settle in Westmoreland, where our resort was located.
Rondel Village, is exactly what its name suggests, a village. The main office, pictured here, was located beach side and our room was across the street. There were four buildings on our side, each three floors high.
After arriving and settling into our room we headed out to the beach to see Negril's beautiful water for the first time. We headed down the beach in search of something to eat which is where I found the most delicious, homemade mango cheesecake ever.

Not too long after we were finished eating the sun started to set and we noticed what looked like a storm coming in. We headed back to our room to further settle in and to take a quick, or not so quick, nap before dinner.

We, and when I say we I mean me, didn't get up from our nap until somewhere between 9:30 and ten. Hayley and Deana had been trying to order a pizza for what felt like forever before giving up after no one was answering the phone. We set out on foot to find something to eat. Because of the time nearly every kitchen was already closed. But then we stumbled upon "Jah B's." Jah B's was a tiny, old, rickety looking place that we weren't entirely sure we trusted, but hey, we were hungry. After waiting nearly 45 minutes while listening to the party goers outside drinking and smoking, our dinner was ready. I think I can speak for all of us when I say we were pleasantly surprised. What I wouldn't give to be back in that shack eating that fried chicken. MMMMMMM.

Our village looked like something out of Neverland. With its paths overgrown with greenery and tiny lagoon like pools around their corners, this little spot was completely dreamy and magical.
A path leading through the village out to the beach
Our first morning in Negril, Deana and I discovered -the best- french toast and bacon. As for Hayley, adventurous Hayley, she opted for a more traditional, Jamaican cuisine. Needless to say, the next day she ordered french toast. But hey, kudos for trying something new Hayley!

Our second night, at Margaritaville

Embracing my inner Jamaican, thanks to Hayley

Tuesday at Rick's cafe, where people go to jump off of cliffs, eat sea side, and above all, have fun. I wasn't as adventurous as my two partners who embarked on 25 and 35 foot jumps off of the cliffs into the blue Caribbean.

A caravan with some party goers on board to watch the sunset and take the plunge at Rick's Cafe.

Dusk at Rick's
YS Falls
On Wednesday, we headed out to a popular tourist attraction. Located nearly two hours away from our village in a parish called St. Elizabeth, YS Falls is a natural attraction featuring fresh water pools and numerous waterfalls. Built into the mountain are flights of stairs allowing you to climb up and explore the water or even rope swing or zip line if you like. The falls were almost mythical in a sense with their fresh blue water and sunlight peeking through its canopy of trees up above. Definitely a must see while visiting Jamaica.

Some flash tats I acquired at YS Falls
Kuyaba, home of the mango cheesecake.
At Kuyaba with DJ, our most kind server we had the pleasure of seeing all week. We, of course, couldn't help but return for more sweets.
A Jamaican playing his steel drum for tips
Negril's famous "Seven Mile Beach"
A native selling goods
Cheeseburger in Paradise
We returned to Margaritaville later in the week to snap some photos during the day.
Unlike our fifty dollar bill this Jamaican fifty is worth a mere forty three cents in the US
JB Bike Rentals//A tiny Jamaican market
Kenny's Italian Cafe
A local "hot spot" we were told, was an effortlessly cute little restaurant with the most quaint little lanterns and tables. I love the idea of how they turned this almost pavilion like spot into a chic Cafe by simply dressing it up with trendy furniture. Oh, and the food was on point too. Bravo Kenny!
Early afternoon//My last day in Jamaica
At the airport with our dear driver, Glendale, that we had the pleasure of being chauffeured by all week. Not only was he a doll but he took the time to educate us and tell us about the island of Jamaica that he calls home.
Alas, the sun has set on Girl's Trip 2015 and what a wonderful, sweet and crazy trip it was. I am so glad to have a few adventurous girl friends who set aside one week a year to accompany me on yet another amazing vacation. As they say in Jamaica, likkle more!
OLIVIA WEARS in order of appearance
NASTY GAL crochet dress, TJ turquoise and silver ring, FRANCESCA'S top and TJ pants, FOREVER 21 shorts
Wonderful post.